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6 Tips To Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers

If you are a person with diabetes, you probably already know how important it is to properly control your blood sugar. You can prevent serious consequences including poor circulation and nerve damage, which could develop painful sores or ulcers on your vulnerable feet. Because of this, diabetics must take proactive steps to prevent diabetic foot ulcers from developing in the first place as well as to impede their advancement.

What is a diabetic foot ulcer?

An exposed wound is the primary symptom of a diabetic foot ulcer, which usually appears on the underside of the foot near the prominent toe. A wise comment from the prestigious American Diabetes Association indicates a significant likelihood of 25% that people with diabetes may eventually experience the upsetting presence of a DFU during their lives.

Without the right attention, even a small blister on your foot can quickly become a dangerous wound. The terrible truth is that peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage, is a common occurrence in people with diabetes. This condition causes the complex web of nerves in their lower extremities to become numb. As a result, blisters, cuts, and abrasions go unnoticed and untreated since their insensitivity makes them blind to any pain or injury that might occur.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or lower extremity arterial disease (both terms used to refer to the same condition) is another issue that can affect diabetics. The blood supply to the legs and feet suffers as a result. The healing of cuts or sores on the legs and feet occurs slowly after this. It may require several weeks or even months for them to fully recover.

Because an ulcer is an open sore, there's a high risk that it will become infected. This infection can damage the tissues and bone in your foot through the bloodstream, which is extremely harmful to your health. In severe cases, medical professionals may need to amputate the affected foot.

Fortunately, it is possible to avoid diabetic foot ulcers. Daily foot examinations are usually advised to treat any injury-related symptoms before they turn into an open sore. The body is kept healthy by blood sugar regulation and maintaining a healthy weight, both of which hasten the healing process.

The following 6 suggestions will help you avoid diabetic foot ulcers:

Check your feet daily to ensure they are healthy and not hurt. Diabetics should check their feet at least once a day, or have someone they can trust do it for them. They ought to search for any wounds, scratches, blisters, or ingrowing toenails. They ought to check for blisters on the bottoms of their feet as well. It's critical to look for infection-related symptoms like warmth, redness, and swelling. They must seek medical attention as soon as possible if they notice any of these symptoms.

Be careful when picking out your shoes. Remember to get your feet measured when you get new shoes because they can change sizes. Shoes should fit well and feel comfy. They should also support the front and back of your feet. Don't wear shoes that are too tight, narrow, or have high heels because they can give you blisters and corns. Make sure your socks are clean, dry, and not too tight. It's not a good idea to wear sandals or walk without shoes because your feet could get hurt.

Blood sugar People with diabetes need to check how much sugar is in their blood to make sure it's not too high. Getting too high can cause problems with their feet and make it harder for their boo-boos to get better.

Weight loss Carrying too much weight puts more pressure on your feet. This can cause friction when you wear shoes, which can lead to scratches and blisters. Nutritionists and dietitians can assist you in losing weight. But if being very overweight makes it hard to control your blood sugar levels, you might want to talk to your doctor about weight loss surgery and if that could be a good option for you.

Quit smoking If you have diabetes and hurt your foot, quitting smoking can help it heal faster. Smoking makes your blood vessels smaller, so less good stuff like nutrients and oxygen can get to your foot to help it heal. This can make the pain last longer. Smoking also makes it harder for blood to get to your legs and feet, which can cause more problems. So, it's important to stop smoking if you want your foot to get better.

Plan frequent vascular screening By getting checked, physicians can look for health issues in your body before they worsen and require emergency care. If peripheral artery disease is left untreated, it can worsen to the point where you may need to have a portion of your leg amputated.

Dr. Kunal Oswal and his colleagues at our Paarasmani hospital in Pune have a great deal of experience treating patients without the need for surgery. They have extensive experience with specialized surgical procedures such as laparoscopies and surgeries related to digestive and liver disorders. They can support cancer surgery as well. You can schedule a free examination to ensure the health of your blood vessels. Even online, you can schedule your appointment. In Pune, we also have a new clinic. If you have diabetes, it's critical to take good care of your feet, and we can assist with that as well.